2003年04月06日 日曜日
Equality Among Mammals in Japan
by Justin Hall
Expats in Japan
Last year in Japan I saw some light-hearted TV news footage of a seal frolicking in a local concrete channel. Passers-by were happy to see him, the presence of Tama Chan was cause for community celebration. A few schoolchildren petitioned the Yokoahama city government to give the seal residency status, which the city council granted earlier this year.
Now, long-suffering foreigners, including Korean and Chinese residents of Japan who have been denied citizenship and residency status ask for Equality Among Mammals in Japan. If a seal can have residency in Japan, why can't they?

(From Plastic.com: In Japan, Koreans Still Can't Get A Seal Of Approval)
Posted by Justin Hall at 2003年04月06日 13:36
Hey, don't forget about <a href="http://anime.goo.ne.jp/contents/news/NAF20031016-f-22/">Crayon Shin-chan</a>!