2003年03月27日 木曜日

The Hegemony of ASCII

by Yuka Kajihara-Nolan


The Technology of Difference: ASCII, Hegemony and the Internet , is the beta of a chapter by my partner Jason. It takes up the issue of how Englishness controls how we think and represent ourselves on the Internet.

Posted by Yuka Kajihara-Nolan at 2003年03月27日 10:48

1- jane

a Japan Media Review <a href="http://www.japanmediareview.org/japan/wireless/1047257047.php">article</a> by Tim Clark examined the drop-off of computer use among Japanese youth.

Probably not unrelated to the English coding of the internet and operating systems.

Thanks Jane. I'll check it out. I would feel very left out if I figured out how screwed my language was in the face of the ASCII hegemony... sometime after I figured out what ASCII and Hegemony meant.

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