2005年04月08日 金曜日
Cafe Haiku Slam
by Justin Hall
Imagine a ragtag group of long-bearded scrawny old men leaping up rocky, misty mountains in wooden clogs, pausing in their ascent to scrawl a few observations on a nearby rock. The life of the mind in the 13th century.
They may have had tea, but they didn't have coffee - the Caffeine Society takes that tradition of observation and sharing and amplifies it. Cafe Haiku is a set of projects based around the propigation of Haiku. They're publishing a series of Cafe Haiku books, wedding three line text bits and photographs.
And now Cafe Haiku is going public. They're pushing their format with Cafe Haiku Slams. In a Slam, people read poems competitively. At Cafe Haiku Slam, people often generate haiku on the spot and read them there - opening up the audience to participate. And share their observations in the short form.
Tonight, they're having a special online radio slam - information on this page: CaffeineSociety/KBOO.
Posted by Justin Hall at 2005年04月08日 23:50
Brilliant commentary on the idea.
We're doing it again on 10/28!!!!!!!