2005年03月14日 月曜日


by Mizuko Ito

Books, Family and Relationships, Humor


During my latest trip to Japan, an advertisement for a book ダーリンの頭の中(Inside my Darling's Head) caught my eye. It seemed to be an English language book, but in manga form, and written by a Japanese woman about her Western partner. Although I still have not read ダーリンの頭の中, on my way back through Narita, I discovered the book ダーリンは外国人2 (My Darling is a Foreigner 2) in the airport bookstore, and it had me cracking up all the way back across the Pacific. In LA, I set out to track down more of the series and had the good fortune to find the first book, ダーリンは外国人in my local Japanese bookstore.

Oguri Saori has written a set of heartwarming best selling manga about her relationship with Tony László, a Tokyo based journalist and founder of Issho Kikaku (The Power of Diversity!), an NPO devoted to issues of multiculturalism quite similar to though more expansive than those we pursue here at chanpon.org.

As I was tucked into bed polishing off the last bits of ダーリンは外国人, I kept shooting sidelong glances at my own blue-eyed ダーリン, giggling at the funny everyday moments that I could not help but identify with.

One of my favorites is when Saori chases Tony around the house with a ruler, trying to measure the height of his nose. Or when she gently but persistently instructs him that the 大根おろし should be eaten in the same mouthful as the 焼き魚. But Tony just as stubbornly persists in eating it separately. The one that had me rolling on the floor laughing though was the scene where Saori is 意地悪く楽しくつついている Tony's 傷つきやすい nature by repeatedly telling him 悲しい話, like of the baby cuckoo evolving so that it can push competing eggs out of the nest. With the funniest of touches, she depicts a difference in perception and sensitivity that it both utterly personal as well as clearly culturally determined.

My lame paraphrasing here can't due justice to Oguri-san's ほのぼの illustrations combined with a lovingly するどい reflection on her life with her partner. Even though my darling is nothing like Tony, she has captured something about the funny quirks of romance across the Japan-US cultural divide that is as idiosyncratic as it is easy (for me) to identify with. She walks ths fine line between capturing the qualities of their unique relationship, and tracing the contours of resilient cultural difference. Although the manga's appeal is clearly grounded in the widespread romanticization of relationships between Japanese women and Euro-American white men, Oguri-san works more to break down the stereotypes than to reinforce them. As she writes in the prefact to her second book:


While always keeping it very personal she touches on topics such as differences in humor, misconceptions about manga, or the difficulties Japanese have in learning conversational English. So the manga is definitely not just for laughs. In its more serious moments, Oguri-san describes the descrimination she and Tony faced in finding housing in Tokyo, the problematic quirks of how foreigners are marginalized on 戸籍 and 住民票、and negative stereotpes of Japanese women. The manga is very even-handed in critiquing both Japanese and non-Japanese preconceptions and stereotypes.

So I wasn't surprised when I learned that László-san is an activist for multicultural issues and cultural communication. The books are interspersed with his commentary, and his unique viewpoint as a thoroughly chanpon American living in Tokyo is a large part of the manga's appeal. Though I haven't read the two most recent books, 英語ができない私をせめないで!and ダーリンの頭の中, my guess is that they handle issues about learning English with as much humor and panache as the first to books. I just wished I had discovered these gems sooner. Bravo!

Posted by Mizuko Ito at 2005年03月14日 02:05

1- Matt

英語ができない私をせめないで! is more "illustrated prose with occasional comic strip" than manga, and I didn't like it as much... I think Ogura is fantastic at matching text and visuals, but without the visuals her work loses a lot of its punch, like a movie with the sound turned down.

ダーリンの頭ン中 and ダーリンは外国人 I really loved, though.

2- Junko Sumiya

Hi Mi. I read 「ダーリンわ外国人」and it was a good read. But have not bothered to buy the sequels... I also recommend 流水りんこの『インドな日々』

Have read 1 and 2 and 『インド夫婦茶碗』1-5. インド夫婦茶碗get's kind of old but is good. or also, 『トルコで私も考えた』 is out, but I have only read 1-3.

It's a different read. So I don't know how much you would like them....

but entertaining.


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