2004年04月03日 土曜日

Joi on Foreigners and Japanese Customs

by Justin Hall


Joichi Ito, occasional Chanpon contributor and international businessman, has written a short treatise on his joi.ito.com web site about appropriate manners for foreigners doing business in Asia. As a Chanponite, he's well-poised to observe between cultures, and understand people's intentions. Mostly in this piece, he's admonishing people who try too hard to use a little common sense instead. The comments are flying in response.

Joi Ito's Web: Foreigners and Japanese customs.

Posted by Justin Hall at 2004年04月03日 22:41

1- Joi fan

By the way, what the hell does Joi Ito do exactly? He seems to be good at handling opm (other peoples money). I've met him and he was like "I'm somebody- who the hell are you?!"

Too elite for me.

Too elite? Hmmm, sorry you got that impression. In my experience, Joi is an extreme multitasker. At any one moment, he's got phone calls, chat windows, new ideas and old friends all coming across all channels. Add a steady regimen of international travel and a full juggling-load of projects in the air at all times, and I can imagine he comes across as hard to reach.

What does he do? <a href="http://www.chanpon.org/archives/2001/09/08/joichi_ito.html">Chanpon interviewed him a few years back</a> - that might give you some idea.

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