2003年07月22日 火曜日

Matrix Cultural Ping-Pong

by Mizuko Ito


We've already blogged Matrix uptake in Japan and how the Matrix was inspired by Japanese animation. Here is another more literal take on this ongoing cultural ping-pong. The winner of the hugely popular annual 金ちゃん�・#65533;�取�T吾の全日本仮装大会 (Kinchan and Katori Shingo's National Costume Competition) on March 31 was an awesome real-time rendition of kuroko-driven Matrix-style ping pong.

Another inspiration source: Ping Pong movie and manga.


Check out the pix on the NTV site and the movie

Movie first seen on werdtothe

Thank you Peggy!

Posted by Mizuko Ito at 2003年07月22日 10:50


There is something memorably brilliant about this presentation - especially the moment when they change perspective from horizontal to vertical. Unbelievable! I think it was Jane who pointed out that this is excellent puppeteering, a bunraku legacy perhaps.

2- Kira

Hallo everybody,
I'm working in a german film and event production company and I'm trying to get in touch with this ping-pong group for some time now, but so far without success. Does anybody know a contact for booking? It's quite urgent because we have an event on Sept. 27th. Can anybody help me? thanks a lot, Kira

3- Kira

...wrong link, my email contact is kontakt@vdw-award.de. Kira

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