2002年11月25日 月曜日

Live Journal ASIJ Community

by Joichi Ito


If found an interesting site that lets you keep a journal called Live Journal. I've set up a journal of my own. I am going to use that as a more private journal than my blog. There is a small community of ASIJ folks there so I posted some pictures and spammed them about Chanpon. ;-) Anyone coming from LJ, welcome!

Posted by Joichi Ito at 2002年11月25日 07:14

1- Junko

Like the updates on your blog! It's alot easier for me visually :>
Interesting from a chanpon perspective, I noticed you have a separate English and Japanese page. which is cool. And that on certain blogs, the comments seem to have a different flavor between the languages. Like on Ginger.

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