2002年09月08日 日曜日
Crash Bonsai
by Justin Hall
Disrupting the quiet contemplation of miniature forestry: mixing a prototypical Japanese aesthetic form with dented driving souveniers from a land of vast freeways, Boston-area artist John Rooney has created "CrashBonsai." From the web site, you can see a gallery of crash bonsai pieces, and little crashed cars for sale, dented just so to suit placement in your bonsai arrangement. Note, he suggests creating a new bonsai around the car, since you might want the plant near to the side of the pot to create the appropriate scene of fragmented tranquility. (From BoingBoing.)
Posted by Justin Hall at 2002年09月08日 17:34
Hya Hya Hya This is too funny. and too silly. I especially love the
close up photos (not so much the long shots) and then I was trying to
figure out "why bonsai?" but then again, why not.
I wonder if serious bonsai lovers would find this humorous or be offended. Only because bonsai is a serious form of art for many. Collectors spend years perfecting the miniature of their dreams. And it's seriously expensive. 何百万なんてざら。ま、美は金銭で図れないのですが…
In any case, I think it's pretty funny.