2002年07月17日 水曜日

Repurposing Japanese Ultraportables

by Justin Hall


taking cover behind a slim laptop

From Locke, a link to Dynamism - a company that takes ultraportable laptops and devices from Japan and repurposes them for the American market where sleek slight beauties like these aren't sold since everyone has bigg fingers.

Juston: So what do they actually do?
Locke: On some models, they actually replace the keyboard. On most of them, they replace the Japanese language operating system with something in English.
Justin: Well, heck, I can do that. You can do that.
Locke: They basically allow you to order it from America, with US dollars. Also, if your computer breaks, they handle service so you don't have to FedEx it back to Japan. Which is expensive.

Posted by Justin Hall at 2002年07月17日 07:49

1- michael

I have not used them personally but I have been seeing reports about them, anecdotes from people buying stuff from them, etc. for some time. Esp. in the import-from-Japan video game arena. Anyway I think they are legit and all that stuff, from many reports I've seen. But I have no first hand experience.


2- Joichi Ito

This is interesting. Do you know anyone who's ordered from here. I know a lot of gadget freaks who come to Japan just to buy stuff in Akihabara. I'm sure this would make sense for them.

(originally posted #10 2002.07.28 10:22:37)

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